
It's the last day of October and my first semester of uni life end two days ago.

Now,it's officially the beginning of study week and I've alry wasted 2days.ok,btw I shouldn't say I wasted if cos I actually spend it wisely with YOU. =D
Suppose to went Gunter's Gasthaus for our dinner but ended up with Upperstar because there's no more promotion available by the tiem we reached there.(it's the 2nd time alry why it happens to things i'm craving for so much =( ) but still ok thought ate something nice in Upperstar too bad I don't have any photos of it.I'll gonna take one next time don't worry guys.

After that went to watch "Life as we know it" a very nice movie again.=D
Had a nice day after all.

Goshh!!!Gonna give myself a kick start tomorrow of the day after tomorrow since there will be a Kionsom Waterfall trip with the GENG!!hahaha.

Am so looking forward to that trip.Wish we can creat another nice memory among us.


Happy Halloween everyone.ciao.

A lil update

Well it's been a long time i never update bout my life since dunno when.spiderweb around alry. =X

Time flies.Since i came here there're not much things happen but what did happen is i found a special one over here.Miracle does happen sometimes rite? ^^ I cherish every moment i'm with him and appreciated it a lot.

Talk about my studies,midterm test results didn't turn out to be expected but no worries cos i'm gonna work hard for my final exam aza aza fighting and it's almost the end of the first semester for me in this uni and then i'll be back in Penang my lovely hometown for my holidays!yeepie! =D

Ok.I think that's it for now.