Connie Talbot

recently watch this back again..this is a girl from Britain's Got Talent 2007 if not wrong..and tat time she was only 6!OMG!!!
do click and listen!she's amazing!










变,可以是一种很恐怖的东西...它可以在你不知觉的当儿让你有所改变,而这个改变,对你来说是好是坏只有你自己知道 。


High School Frens~ went out to meet some frens that is long time didnt meet nor are some photos..


Holiday is now holiday till tues..finally i can rest d..recently abit bit burden by the loads of homework..tomorrow is their graduation has been one year since last year i graduated officially from jit sin..although i'm still in form6 now..lolz..but next year there would not be any official graduate for us i the same every year..
dear juniors going to graduate tomorrow..all grown up d!work hard for ur spm!and to some of my seniors too..good luck in stpm!strike for the best!! ^^

lalala~today is such a nice day..

woohoo~do you know who i take photo with?if you dunno..let me tell you..this is閻惠昌!guess you still don have idea ba...nvm..let it be details..he is the conductor of HKCO..he is the 艺术总监+首席指挥~so excited that i couldn't express it through text.. ^^ ..what a golden opportunity is this..


tomorrow is muet speaking test..and i am so worry about it..but thanks to ah hang..she reminded me about my character when i'm in hk..



*aza aza*~fighting

It's another week~

It's another week again..tomorrow will be a new day beginning of the week..but monday is not the day for me everyweek cos i'll have monday's blue!!! I don't really like monday..but for now..tuesday even worse! I think tuesday will be even more blue to me because i'm having my MUET speaking!!!arghh!!!gonna die d..BLUE ah!!!!

Ordinary day~

Just came back from watching a movie..Eagle Eye...not as bad as i thought..act quite good indeed! ^^'s kinda excited.those who alry watched should had agree with me.

Just another ordinary saturday i had except the movie outing...cos it's been long since i last watched a movie..i couldn't remember when was that..this morning woke up quite early about 9?it shouldn't be so early since it's a weekend..but i just felt energetic!..but then back in the weekdays when there's school days although need to wake up at 6am but still its different..i was usually lack of sleep..ntg can cure this right?i guess everybody has the same feel as i.. =='
Nothing special happen..everything just so ordinary..maybe when a person grow older they might feel this kind of ordinary is a good thing?i hope not..


Ah...damn boring right now..sitting in front of the pc..nothing to search for..but had surf in the net bout the penang bridge run marathon..was thinking to make it online registration..but doesn't really know wait and ask for friend's help la~

Really going to sleep now..goodnight bloggy~muackz!
what a boring and meaningless day~

Motivation of life~

Face your past without regret.
Handle your present with confidence.
Prepare for the future without fear.
Keep the faith and drop the fear.
Don’t believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs.
Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.

just got this from mr.ang chuan seng's blog..very meaningful..

The Hong Kong II Trip~



第一天,早上7.00就得在槟城机场集合所以还得比平时上课早醒些。我们乘搭9.00的班机大概一点多抵达香港国际机场。去的时候因为坐在飞机的最尾端所以刚刚到时人不怎么舒服,想呕啊!真没用!之后我们都一直没回到酒店。上了旅巴第一个站就是去解决午餐! 原本无精打采的我吃了午餐便龙马精神...哈哈!别笑我 ^^ 之后去了太平山顶和浅水湾(我都去了第二次)..没什么特别 和好玩。只是上太平山是应该是碰到刮一号台风,没什么,只是 风特别大,把水雾喷得全身都是,凉凉的,挺过瘾!浅水湾也没什么 特别,就是去看有钱人的屋子和沙滩罢了咯...之后又去了吃晚餐便回到酒店...我最喜欢这次的住宿..很有家的感觉^^

它是一间小套房,可容纳4个人,里面有两小间的房,真的很像一间温暖小屋。 我们住的地方叫马鞍山,不算是市区,但去到市区只需搭地铁过几个站,很快


今天是到广场演出的一天,早上去了荷里活广场,简称hollywood..lolz..七八早, 哪有人开店做生意?只是随便走走就到了午饭时间,去到了慈云山中心,也就是我们演出的地方。这是一场非常性的演出,我们都穿着proart的T恤和牛仔裤 演出的。

这就是我们。我没在里头因为借不到乐器,只好当camera girl。哈哈! 真的体会到揸机揸到手震! 演出完了也将近傍晚,我们便到尖沙咀百乐门宴会厅,是主办单位办的一个 欢迎宴。 各个被邀请的团队都到了欢迎宴这里,他们分别有从香港当地的乐团,加拿大, 澳洲,内地,马来西亚,台湾,新加坡这七个国家,大家聚在那里,一个很不一样 的经验。


第三天-是正式演出天!早上很不幸的下了场大雨,香港地方小,不像这里到处 可以停放车子,有些地方是旅巴进不去的,我们唯有冒着大雨跑下巴士往前冲,冲到 了文化中心里,我就是那第一个冲的人,也是笨蛋第一!有去的都懂发生什么事了, 想知道问我吧!早上在被安排的时间里彩排了一次,每队只有30分钟,是很紧凑的。 之后大概离演出时间还有5-6个小时,我们就可以自由行到外面去逛,所以一直都是 在走路。这一整天我都没买到东西哦!没什么,只是东西看不上眼罢了。



第四天.今天的主题就是迪斯尼乐园+自由行。算是最兴奋的一天了。 虽然我和航都去过了,但这次身份不同,我们担任导游哦!哈哈! 一开始去到那儿我们两个步伐最快,不在乎去照相那些了。赶快 入场那了地图开始计划行程因为我们只有大概5小时的时间,如果没好好 计划将会失去很多的精彩节目。


离开迪斯尼时大概是4点左右,巴士司机送我们到旺角的女人街,原来没塞车 是可以这么快就到了的,真炸到!因为当我正要熟睡时,竟然到了旺角! 从迪斯尼乐园到旺角只需20分钟?我的天啊!哈哈,所以咧,结果都没睡到咯!>.< 就在旺角区我们到了茶餐厅吃东西,真的跟你们在电视上看到的很像哦! 香港的店铺都很窄小,所以我们七人行,我,航,万芷,万倪,湘乙, 晓元,美莹都不能坐在一起用餐哦!庆幸是不必"搭台"...香港这种情况是很普遍的。 医了肚子,是时候医手痒了,哇哈哈!血拼时间到!穿遍大街小巷,尽情地挥洒 手上几天没有动用很多的港币xD..豁出去了!个个都有收获。 香港的街道越夜越多人,人潮很多,明明是礼拜一耶!大家都不是上班上学了吗? 哪来的精力啊?佩服佩服... ‘ 就这样,走了一整天的路,9点多开始找路回酒店,原来女人逛街很恐怖,可以从 第一条路走到第十条路才察觉到越来越远了,呵呵!去了地铁站开始寻路回去,其实 真的是fast & easy...回到酒店了还嫌时间早,就先冲个凉然后到了里酒店不远的 餐馆吃我们的宵夜(其实很像晚餐)...自己看到几个女生叫了几盘食物现在想到 都恶!好不够哦!看到左边的两盒吗?那就是准备带回酒店的糖水,很好吃的!



最后一天,也是大家都很不想离开的时候,沉重的心情,因为每个人回去都有好多 东西忙,很怕面对,就像我一样,面对考试!竟然还skipped了两张paper...==' 勇敢的我,请叫我---->'阿敢'. 程搭下午3点班机返回,中途停在KLIA一个小时,很痛苦,不能下飞机,不能上厕所, 就在无所事事的当儿,大家交换了各自的msn...从此我又多了一些华乐的朋友。^^ 就这样,香港旅程结束了...也成了我回忆的新一部分。

I'm back~

Back from Hong Kong yesterday's night..this morning early went to school to continue my nickname back from hk "ah ka"..have to pronounce it in hokkien..or else u wont get what it means..

Soon will be posting blogs about this hk trip..not much interest things but still have some lil fun..stay tuned guys..

tomorrow stil have exams..die die die~ /.\

The Day before Hong Kong~

Just back from practice..very tired..oh my god~cannot type
very hard to express my feelings..
Frankly..this fri i'm departing to hong kong for a performance
in smtg chinese festival i think..but now still i dont have the feelings of excitement..haha..maybe because i went there before and also
during this exams season..really what mood also don't have..
somemore got a "cousin" come and visit me..lagi tired!!!OMG!!
fainted~ @.@

btw...will not be here from 3rd-7th oct..pls don't sms or call me..
cause i'll the one will pay for the bills!thanks! lolz..

p/s:long time didnt practice pitch suck!!yuck!!