


变,可以是一种很恐怖的东西...它可以在你不知觉的当儿让你有所改变,而这个改变,对你来说是好是坏只有你自己知道 。


3 wings:

Live Station said...

change is something cannot be avoided.

things will change, so are our lives.

bt for better or worse, men certainly have control over the changes in a certain degree..

this means, we can control most of the changes in ourselves.

haiz. dunno la.

sometimes i just dont feel like changing anymore..

dunno la..

Angel said...

lolz..i tot u were in sg having fun one..stil got time to view my blog? la..wat i mean changes really something not really wat we can just..happen like this!

Anonymous said...

life keeps happening!
this is not a dress rehersal,
this is it!
make it count =)

can u imagine if life stop happening or changing, kinda boring too..