When Depression Strikes Me

I think we have to rewind back to last month when I was back from Redang trip.I had seawater that got into my ears since we went snorkeling (you know la everybody get that one nothing so special or weird about it).I was trying a lots of ways to get rid of the water out from my ear but eventually it didn't and so I just left it thought it would come out itself later on.

But soon,my ear started to feel pain and then I still thought it was nothing because I had these pain back few years ago and I thought it was the same thing.As days passed by,my ear was getting pain and pain and pain like freak and I woke up one night,should say I couldn't sleep at all the whole night.Curious eh?Ear pain until you couldn't sleep and even woke up to take some paracetamol yes what we known as panadol.Don't worry it was given by the doctor.(i'm not taking medicine without doctor's instructions =)

After a few check up in the hospital and because of my excessive earwax*shy* the doctor were unable to see what was actually behind those earwax.So once after I went to clear it up,I did get back my hearing because before that I was complaining that I couldn't hear clearly.And so,finally doctor get to check on my ear properly this time and it was today.

After I've finish the check up and even looking at my own ear canal and ear drum myself from the tv after the doctor insert the tiny microscope to me.I do see something different between the two ears.

Now,I still couldn't make sure what kind of infection I actually got which I just know in the simplest form is ear infection and if I didn't take care of it from now on it would have probability to damage my brain or the other way which is near my nasal or somewhere.

doctor : you have to keep your ear clean and dry all the time and in long term you have to do some check up in the hospital.
me : dry?can i go swimming?
doctor : (smile and shook her head at the same time)
me : ..... T.T (no more water sports diving snorkelling beach time swimming playing with water time?)

End.When depression strikes me...

1 wings:

noooo said...

nvm, still go 4 backpack!!