Today is our country's national day-31st of August,since it'll be a public holiday for i decided to follow my fren to just having a look with the real parade..but it is only in penang in front of the Queensbay Mall..not dataran merdeka! lolz..i was just a kaypo since i really feel too free to stay at home just like this during this holiday that's why i have decided to follow him there..haha..act he also don hv many things to do lar~just brought somethings for them only..then we wait wait and waited..oh ya! We depart early in the morning at early right?the sky was still so dark that time..and then we reach there about 7.10..and our car parked quite far..lolz..guess so d before i sure need to walk alot!haha..
When we reach there..seriously i didnt know more than 5ppls in the band nowadays..cos all were the juniors d..all so cute har..short short small small..really scare what if they fainted there cos the sun today is very hot!!!luckily i met yi mei..which is only one that i know there..besides that lar..lolz..not bad lea..we still can talk like that de la..who also good in gossip de..^^
Later,it's getting hotter because the sun has risen!!OMG..i tell you i tell you..really is hot ka bua si! maybe long time i didnt exposed under the hot sun like this le ba..that's y..but i'm not afraid to be black k?i'm not puteri lilin lo..just the sun too bright d..don believe..this is a few pic that i captured during that time..can see it from the pic..besides..i would like to add in why today the title of this blog is a FULL day..because i have alot of activity and i ate alot today!!!gonna be fat like pig d..lolz..dying X_X
Back again~
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on Friday, August 29, 2008
Comments: (3)
It's been a week i have posted up my know la..nowadays student very busy de..busy eat,go school,sleep,eat,then play,laze nice rite?haha..wonder why i didn't put in do homework this phrase..because..i aint doin any of my homework this whole week..luckily still not that much..wahaha../.\ don scold me..
Now it's another weekend fast..time really passes very fast..why huh?is it because i didn't use my time wisely?or i use it too wisely?lolz..another 3weeks+ there will be my first exam scare..i not even start to study now..what to do?play first la!! i'll have 3days of holidays because of the Merdeka celebration..yohoo!!!!holiday..recently many holiday appeared during school days..not more..but sometimes one or two days..but it's nice to do lik this..
k la..stop crapping here d..Happy Holidays! again...^^
Now it's another weekend fast..time really passes very fast..why huh?is it because i didn't use my time wisely?or i use it too wisely?lolz..another 3weeks+ there will be my first exam scare..i not even start to study now..what to do?play first la!! i'll have 3days of holidays because of the Merdeka celebration..yohoo!!!!holiday..recently many holiday appeared during school days..not more..but sometimes one or two days..but it's nice to do lik this..
k la..stop crapping here d..Happy Holidays! again...^^
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on Saturday, August 23, 2008
Comments: (1)
The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 1003
Name: Angelia Lee Chieh Pao
Sisters: none
Brothers: 1
Shoe Size: 7 or 8 gua
Height: 160 cm (hello!this is shorty)
Where do you live: BM
Favourite drinks: milk
Favourite breakfast: break and cereals
Have you ever been on a plane?: ya
Swam in the ocean: no ba
Fallen asleep at school: who does not ?
Broken someone's heart: ya
Fell off your chair: ya *.*
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: i think so...but it's always ended ntg
What is your room like: er..almost everything in blue...a long desk,a double bed,a wardrobe..ntg much d lar..ah!!sampah i think..
What's right beside you: My phone
What is the last thing you ate: a cup of milk
Ever had chicken pox: ya
Sore throat: ya
Stitches: No
Broken nose: No
Do you believe in love at first sight: i will if i have met
Like picnics?: yaya..but no one really would accompany me do that..==
Who was, were the last person you danced with: i cant remember anymore
Last made you smile: frens that were come back far from where they study
You last yelled at: in front of the tv...lolz
Kissed anyone: secretss..kaka
Get sick: who does not??
Miss someone: i miss my dear frens..
Eat: Yes
Best feeling in the world: shopping!!(with money of course!)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: last time
What's under your bed: ntg
Who do you really hate: i dont really hate them unless they made me!!!
What time is it now?: 1012
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. sleep
2. eat
3. day dreaming
4. watch tv for the whole day
5. attending a lot of tuition
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. finish this tag
2. waiting for someone to ask me out
3. meet friends
4. besides waiting...
5. still waiting...
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. chocolate ^^
2. pop corn (when in cinema)
3. gummies (wonder you all know what's that?)
4. cheezels...*yum yum*
5. anything that i can grab from the cupboard from my house!
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. giv mum
2. giv dad
3. buy anything i want!woohoo!
4. buy a car
5. travelllll!!!!
5 of my bad habits:
1. LAZY!!!
2. wasting my time
3. i hunched my back? (someone told me be4)
4. don like to do my homework
5. always friend-sick?lolz..
5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. a hotel
2. a bus
3. fren's house
4. in the car?
5. in the classroom? (duno ler...probably will happen in the coming years..)
5 things I will do after complete what im busy with:
1. do other things
2. facebook
3. blogspot
4. check others blog
5. waiting ppl to find me out
and now..
5 people i tagged:
1. song keat
2. weilian
3. pheik vay
4. song huan
5. eunice
Starting time: 1003
Name: Angelia Lee Chieh Pao
Sisters: none
Brothers: 1
Shoe Size: 7 or 8 gua
Height: 160 cm (hello!this is shorty)
Where do you live: BM
Favourite drinks: milk
Favourite breakfast: break and cereals
Have you ever been on a plane?: ya
Swam in the ocean: no ba
Fallen asleep at school: who does not ?
Broken someone's heart: ya
Fell off your chair: ya *.*
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: i think so...but it's always ended ntg
What is your room like: er..almost everything in blue...a long desk,a double bed,a wardrobe..ntg much d lar..ah!!sampah i think..
What's right beside you: My phone
What is the last thing you ate: a cup of milk
Ever had chicken pox: ya
Sore throat: ya
Stitches: No
Broken nose: No
Do you believe in love at first sight: i will if i have met
Like picnics?: yaya..but no one really would accompany me do that..==
Who was, were the last person you danced with: i cant remember anymore
Last made you smile: frens that were come back far from where they study
You last yelled at: in front of the tv...lolz
Kissed anyone: secretss..kaka
Get sick: who does not??
Miss someone: i miss my dear frens..
Eat: Yes
Best feeling in the world: shopping!!(with money of course!)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: last time
What's under your bed: ntg
Who do you really hate: i dont really hate them unless they made me!!!
What time is it now?: 1012
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. sleep
2. eat
3. day dreaming
4. watch tv for the whole day
5. attending a lot of tuition
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. finish this tag
2. waiting for someone to ask me out
3. meet friends
4. besides waiting...
5. still waiting...
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. chocolate ^^
2. pop corn (when in cinema)
3. gummies (wonder you all know what's that?)
4. cheezels...*yum yum*
5. anything that i can grab from the cupboard from my house!
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. giv mum
2. giv dad
3. buy anything i want!woohoo!
4. buy a car
5. travelllll!!!!
5 of my bad habits:
1. LAZY!!!
2. wasting my time
3. i hunched my back? (someone told me be4)
4. don like to do my homework
5. always friend-sick?lolz..
5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. a hotel
2. a bus
3. fren's house
4. in the car?
5. in the classroom? (duno ler...probably will happen in the coming years..)
5 things I will do after complete what im busy with:
1. do other things
2. facebook
3. blogspot
4. check others blog
5. waiting ppl to find me out
and now..
5 people i tagged:
1. song keat
2. weilian
3. pheik vay
4. song huan
5. eunice
I don't have a title for this~
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on Friday, August 22, 2008
Comments: (0)
Just back with hung from the new /EON shopping centre which also known as to's not tat big..not that small..quite high class if compare to Sunway Carnival..looks likes its gonna be very competitive now..cos it's located at Bandar Perda..which is quite near for me..and there is quite a number of shops that cant be seen in even Queensbay also hv most of the shops that are available in food,the face shop, pdi ,vincci,adidas, lot to list..and etc and hung just to want to go and take look there..and it only took 20mins for us to walk the whole!!20mins?i tot it look quite big when we entered..lolz..we are seriously walking..of a constant speed?hmm...haha..but what most important is..there is quite alot of foods there!! ^^ yeepy!! ok there is Mcd, KFC, Pizza Hut (as usual), nando's, Kenny Rogers, secret recipe, HongKie too OMG!, Splendid Cafe(which i didn't hear it be4), the Black Canyon,and there is also BR!!!(baskin robbins), Starbucks,and the most exciting part is..there is the first Big Apple Donuts & Coffee in pg!!!OMG...too much to be should go there and hv a look..and since i found this mall is quite satisfying instead of i guess..buddies!!next time we'll just go there and have our movies there la..oh btw..the cinema is TGV..wonder what is that?can be compared to GSC anot?hope so hope so..nearer to our house..can go more often..lolz..SAVE OIL la..although now the petrol price has drop a's RM2.55 now!!!
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与 一般星座书上描写的金牛们相反,其实金牛座非常具有幽默感。他们天生就有搞笑的才能,善于制造轻松的氛围,不要再将牛牛们认为成是一群僵硬腐化的人,相反 他们很可爱。还记得在《满城尽带黄金甲》的发布会场上不断耍宝的金牛发哥吗?他的幽默感绝对令资深娱记也大跌眼镜,人缘好不是随便说说的,金牛座有着宽厚 的胸怀。
金牛基本上看起来都是乖孩子,仿佛脚踏实地,固执老实,但是,谁曾想到, 其实他们的内心都有着一个小邪魔在作祟?他们虽然是一板一眼的生活,但是在他们的内心里却喜欢着调皮的恶作剧。不要金牛们想象的太沉闷,他们其实内心五彩 斑斓,而且特别钟意制造出各种人生的小小乐趣。也正是这样叛逆的灵魂,让有些金牛让人吃惊。所以,一般的容貌姣好的乖乖女,或者一般人理想中的文静男,其 实,都不属于金牛的鉴赏范围,他们总会奇异的喜欢些标新立异的人。这点在金牛男上表现的较为突出,也因此而衍生出不少瓶女和牛男的佳话吧。
务实的人生不需要浪漫武装 (lolz..this is true!)
金 牛们懂得生活。他们虽然很执著,但是该放弃的时候,他们并没有太多犹豫。从利益出发考量的方式,让他们在现实生活中相当的如鱼得水,而懂得平衡自己的贪 念,而追求物质的享受和一心的宁静,是金牛座中的极品。这样的金牛能够在逆境中坦然,在顺境中懂得顺应。他们有着预见性的智慧,使人生得到完整的规划。在 适当的时候寻求闲适,所以金牛座很少有面临困境无法自拔的困兽,他们相当的懂得自我调节和生活。他们有着自己的节奏。
与 一般星座书上描写的金牛们相反,其实金牛座非常具有幽默感。他们天生就有搞笑的才能,善于制造轻松的氛围,不要再将牛牛们认为成是一群僵硬腐化的人,相反 他们很可爱。还记得在《满城尽带黄金甲》的发布会场上不断耍宝的金牛发哥吗?他的幽默感绝对令资深娱记也大跌眼镜,人缘好不是随便说说的,金牛座有着宽厚 的胸怀。
金牛基本上看起来都是乖孩子,仿佛脚踏实地,固执老实,但是,谁曾想到, 其实他们的内心都有着一个小邪魔在作祟?他们虽然是一板一眼的生活,但是在他们的内心里却喜欢着调皮的恶作剧。不要金牛们想象的太沉闷,他们其实内心五彩 斑斓,而且特别钟意制造出各种人生的小小乐趣。也正是这样叛逆的灵魂,让有些金牛让人吃惊。所以,一般的容貌姣好的乖乖女,或者一般人理想中的文静男,其 实,都不属于金牛的鉴赏范围,他们总会奇异的喜欢些标新立异的人。这点在金牛男上表现的较为突出,也因此而衍生出不少瓶女和牛男的佳话吧。
务实的人生不需要浪漫武装 (lolz..this is true!)
金 牛们懂得生活。他们虽然很执著,但是该放弃的时候,他们并没有太多犹豫。从利益出发考量的方式,让他们在现实生活中相当的如鱼得水,而懂得平衡自己的贪 念,而追求物质的享受和一心的宁静,是金牛座中的极品。这样的金牛能够在逆境中坦然,在顺境中懂得顺应。他们有着预见性的智慧,使人生得到完整的规划。在 适当的时候寻求闲适,所以金牛座很少有面临困境无法自拔的困兽,他们相当的懂得自我调节和生活。他们有着自己的节奏。
About Me ^^
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Comments: (2) was late at night and so "wu liao" do to such thing...
I am carefree, serious, simple, wacky (i tot i am rational enough?) , creative/graceful?(which one do u think?), fun/relaxed, money minded, greedy(ya meh?), mature, OMG! I am dark and emotional?
I am carefree, serious, simple, wacky (i tot i am rational enough?) , creative/graceful?(which one do u think?), fun/relaxed, money minded, greedy(ya meh?), mature, OMG! I am dark and emotional?
Another Boring Day Again~
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on Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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Why?Why am I so lazy..OMG!!! Another day sitting at home besides watching tv on9 and do ntg else that's why i'm here blogging!!arghh!!! Exam will be coming very soon..soon...SOON!!!gosh...this still doesn't motivate me me help!!!
**after finish this blog I still will laze around..lolz..nvm la..i'm proud to be a LAZY gal?!!
**after finish this blog I still will laze around..lolz..nvm la..i'm proud to be a LAZY gal?!!
Highly Recommend~
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on Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Comments: (0)

In this can see what you cant imagine.Besides, we human should also learned something after watching this it and you'll get what I mean.
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on Monday, August 18, 2008
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还是要谢谢你!你始终是最棒的! ^^
还是要谢谢你!你始终是最棒的! ^^
An Out-going Day~
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on Saturday, August 16, 2008
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Lolz..first of all the title of this blog would make u think what interesting day i's not..but for's quite good enough..haha..
This morning..thx to Hock Keong who called last night suddenly to ask me to attend a talk in the's from our jitsin ex-senior...(very old that kind,around 38)'s 8388 year wad..they came back to give a talk on <成功之路.实现梦想>..sth lik tat..there were 6 of them if i'm not mistake..not all of them gave interesting speech but some of them did..and was kinda enjoy since yesterday i did tell some ppl that i would fall asleep during the speech is on..luckily i didn' was not as bad as i still ok..the speech was suppose to start at 8 but then..8.45am only..they started to let the students enter the's Malaysian..what do u expect..after finish their speech and there's another short speech from the intel company too..(i'll skip this part)..just like what they did in the speech cos running out of ler..they did tell about the company..about the pc stuff, the cip..etc..that we would not really understand..and they also introduce any job regarding intel..about their job,the environment,the PAY of cos..all their facilities in the company were not leh..of cos lar~...ok..after this speech..we really need to get out from the hall because the following speech wont be relevant to us..cos few of us are from commerce stream..and that following speech is given from the pg nam wah ee..and there we together left the school for our lunch..cos im really starving that time /.\...*end*
After coming back from the lunch with my frens..received shizu's message on my way back home..asking we whether we would go earlier to the pacific mall..(sounds a terrible place)..yes..we did discuss it yesterday too..haha..cos we're going there to buy some stuff lar..some more really long time didn't go there le~
Unexpected, i bought quite some of things..but the main reason we go is..shizu,you know i know la..but ended up spending more on ourself than xxxx that..lolz..bit bit lose control for today..cos really long long long long time didn't shopping le wad..i consider very guai d ok..^^' *end*
stop it here for currently financial status----- POOR T.T
This morning..thx to Hock Keong who called last night suddenly to ask me to attend a talk in the's from our jitsin ex-senior...(very old that kind,around 38)'s 8388 year wad..they came back to give a talk on <成功之路.实现梦想>..sth lik tat..there were 6 of them if i'm not mistake..not all of them gave interesting speech but some of them did..and was kinda enjoy since yesterday i did tell some ppl that i would fall asleep during the speech is on..luckily i didn' was not as bad as i still ok..the speech was suppose to start at 8 but then..8.45am only..they started to let the students enter the's Malaysian..what do u expect..after finish their speech and there's another short speech from the intel company too..(i'll skip this part)..just like what they did in the speech cos running out of ler..they did tell about the company..about the pc stuff, the cip..etc..that we would not really understand..and they also introduce any job regarding intel..about their job,the environment,the PAY of cos..all their facilities in the company were not leh..of cos lar~...ok..after this speech..we really need to get out from the hall because the following speech wont be relevant to us..cos few of us are from commerce stream..and that following speech is given from the pg nam wah ee..and there we together left the school for our lunch..cos im really starving that time /.\...*end*
After coming back from the lunch with my frens..received shizu's message on my way back home..asking we whether we would go earlier to the pacific mall..(sounds a terrible place)..yes..we did discuss it yesterday too..haha..cos we're going there to buy some stuff lar..some more really long time didn't go there le~
Unexpected, i bought quite some of things..but the main reason we go is..shizu,you know i know la..but ended up spending more on ourself than xxxx that..lolz..bit bit lose control for today..cos really long long long long time didn't shopping le wad..i consider very guai d ok..^^' *end*
stop it here for currently financial status----- POOR T.T
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on Friday, August 15, 2008
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Finally..the time i've waited for so long...arrived..yea yea! ^^..happy holidays dear frenz!..but i've got many MATHS homework lea..why har..this isn't a good start for this nice holiday's kinda weird now cos im feeling stress and excited at the same time..haha..going to insane..anyway..wish i can have a nice and meaningful holiday la!
Prattled by
on Wednesday, August 13, 2008
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Currently start to have my holiday mood..lolz..terrible..cannot cannot..pls be patient for another 2days..oh my god!so many things wanna do during the one week holiday although it's very with frens that came back from matrix,watch olympics games..ooyea~ holiday..i'm coming!!
Busy Life~
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on Saturday, August 9, 2008
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Recently having busy busy life actually this week lar..dunno what to blog about..but did many homeworks ^^..happy busy week!
maths maths..i still love you!
maths maths..i still love you!
It's JS~
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on Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Comments: (1)
Lolz...lolz..lolz..really have to laugh today..this morning when we were all so paying attention in the class then suddenly i saw prefect outside our class..thought it's as usual they wanna talk to the monitor..but then..i was wrong..a prefect came in and said they will have a spotcheck and make sure all of us take out our student card etc etc that time..only i realise..oh my god! form6 u also wanna check?aih..die d lar..of course..the first thing came into my mind..was not my my liquid paper! XD...then i just quickly stuff my correction pen in the shoe la of course..lolz..luckily they didnt't seen i'm doing that..haha..lastly i was caught cos my hair too their definition..sure is long d la..nvm nvm..and know wad?this is the first time i've been cut by teacher without tremble..last time i always so scare de..this time was like.."cut ah?cut will grow.."..izzit ppl getting older then wont mind about such things d?haha..swt swt..and just now after finish school i straight go to have a hair cut d..becos i cant stand my hair when it is short and thick!!oh my god oh my god..that looks like a mushroom..and now..i have my short and refreshing student style hair! ^^