5th day

Today went out to meet with some ex-classmates..well not much..just a few of them..but nice to meet with them and chatting with them..we are crazy no doubt..haha!

Went to Sunway GSC trying to watch The Wedding Game but full alry..therefore we headed for my fren say..really..this has a story line..there is a clear synopsis..but it's not as exciting as you imagine..i don't feel like there is any climax in the movie..luckily what i felt that time was..phew..i'm not that tired..which the movie would really made you fall asleep if you're in the tired mode..haha..

After back from Sunway..shizu and leanfang came to my know la..cny..they for sure come and grab angpao..lolz..eventhough just the two of them came..but it was enough noisy d..of course la..they are my girls..haha XD

Well..i think that's all for today..and yeah..manage to go to hang house and see her once before she back to Nilai tomorrow morning..take care my dear hang!

*no more sunway pls..i've got sunway phobia d..

4th day

Today is the 4th day of chinese new year and same i'm still in the bored mood i dunno why..and the weather is hot like its gonna kill me anytime!!!

Receive a call from my classmate that they said they wanna come over to my house to "bai nian" with me..i dunno what to called in english...but was just slightly planned to watch movie with my dear hang..before the minute they called i was like..ok..if u all wanna come then come now..then i thought it would be like a group of 5-6 ppl..manazai..when they reached..8ppls!!!omg!!!haha..they were like the..the grab-ang-pao-gang which go to many houses to take angpao..haha..since i'm tired and in bored mood..i don't have the strength to crazy with them!haha!therefore after leaving my house i'm not joining them..

Took my lunch..and then pick up hang at around 3smtg..then headed to the nearest cinema in bm..jusco..we planned to watch Inkheart but then when we reached its alry full..damn!because they don hv the booking service..that's y we hv to depend on luck..haha!so ended up we watch Underworld lea..never thought that this movie so chi kek..and also quite violence..until hang blocked herself with her jacket..ahaha!XD funny lar..

We still headed to shop around and guess wad?we did buy things lea..omg..girls are during cny?haha..not bad la at least..i think it was the first time only me and hang both of us shop doubt we have our sweet time..^^

that's all for today...

3days (初一,初二,初三)

It's 3days since i've updated my blog..this 3days during my chinese new year i was nothing too much to do..and for the first day..went to watch Red Cliff 2 @ Sunway GSC cinema with hang,ching,geng,hang sis and their cousin the lovely gal who i met once a year..chia chia..

That was a nice show indeed..really..make sure u watched it!and then for the next didnt goes exciting too..went to fren's house and in the evening my cousin from SG and JB came back..and with the daughter 9 1/2 months cute..ish..forgot to take her photo d..we only met once a year..hope the next time when i saw her she'll be able to call me 表姨 d larr..and finally my status also being updated d la..cannot deny i'm getting old..and then late at night went to kar leng's house for steamboat but i don't really eat..cos i'm having steamboat-phobia now..haha..*_*..euu...

And just now an aunty from kl came to visit us..which is also once a year..hah..looks like cny can seems to be ntg but when it came to such reunion situation it'll be very meaningful huh?...^^

that's all for so far the 3 days i've been through..btw..i also ate alot of junk foods..arghh!!!

I'm exhausted!!!

Please please please...pls don't call me to do anything anymore!!! i'm going to die because of over exhausted!!!
the whole morning i was busy doing so many things..i washed the car,washed the floor,hang up the cases after washed it..and that stupid f**cking bro just sit there doing nothing!!!wth!!!i hate chinese new year!!!





"do bull do horse"---做牛做马。。


Happy 牛Year!!!

tagged!!! shizu

1. The last person you tagged is?
Shi Zu

2. Your 5 impression of him/her?
fair skin,long & straight hair,laugh and talks loud,always did crazy things,she loves shopping alot. =)

3. The most memorable thing that he/she had ever done for you?
whenever i was down i would find her and she would willing to listen and talk to me.

4. The most memorable word he/she ever spoke to you?
bao bao i so miss you?

5. If he/she becomes your lover, you will…
wah's that suppose to be an issue?

6. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will…
nah..cut this crap..that's impossible..

7. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on…
if i love her.i would love who and how she is.=)

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, it is because
she's richer than me!*jokes*

9. The most desirable thing for him/her to do is
get into the uni she wished for.

10. Overall impression towards him/her is
besties forever la.

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
cool or fierce? (shizu steal my answer) XD

12. The character for you yourself is

13. On the contrary, the character you hate yourself is?
Too LAZY!!!

14. The most ideal person you want to be is
i don't wish to be anyone else though...

15. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about him/her? well..what should i say?

16. TEN people to tag
1. zehang
4. ji herng
5. dennis
6. kiafu
7. song huan
9.ling min

17. Who is #2 having a relationship with?
i hope she has..

18. Is #3 a male or a female?

19. If #7 and #10 got together, would that be a good thing?
oh no..u got to be gay issue pls!!

20. How about #5 and #8?
haha..well..this two guys..they are about the same type..zo siao one.

21. What is #1 studying about?
Nilai University College business foundation studies.

22. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
not often but stil there is..

23. Is 4 single?
i guess so.

24. Say something about #2.
she is definitely a makan king!

My School Life...for the first month

Seriously..i think recently i'm in the mode of 词穷..cant try to think of anything to write down in my blog..well..just to tell you all recently i've been busy doing wad...

As usual in jit sin high school every year before the chinese new year we would have something like competition for the most decorative class in the school..since it will be our very last year staying in jit sin..i found out myself quite into this activity..lolz!i try to involve myself into any job that i can and i know to do to help my fren with it..and we've got limited time alry and the marking date would be on this wed or thurs i'm not so sure..and we're now praying we could finish the decoration for whole class before the teachers come marking..*pray* ( _ _ )...

But still the most we need to thank to is koh yong kang..he is a very nice person that almost 80% of the class were decorate by him..not only decorate but also come out with ideas on how to do..and also his main assistant..hai sien..lolz..this guy's name sounds like seafood rite?watever la..both of them really play an important role for this decorative activity..God Bless we got such good classmate!!!of course i'm not saying others were not helping..they did start to help too this few days..start to feel that form6 is kinda enjoyable..except the BIG one coming up in the year end..hahaha!

At least i still happy being together with my U6A1..cherish our last whole year to be with each other!and make crazy things and stupid action together。。haha!it will be our very memorable time i am sure. ^^ wee...


词:钟成虎 曲:卢广仲

整个世界 停止 不转动 很寂寞
走在海边 数着 萤火虫 好困惑
不想掉进这深深 漩涡
整个海洋 摆动 柔软地 举起我
孤单给我 自由 犹豫得 好感动
该怎么走 谁来告诉我 wow
发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说
爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透
无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活
整个海洋 摆动 柔软地 举起我
孤单给我 自由 犹豫得 好感动
该怎么走 谁来告诉我 wow
发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说
爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透
无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活
发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说
爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透
无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活
我那一百种 要在很就很就以后才会懂

nice song nice song..i like it so much!


Yes...actually over half of our form6 student retake the MUET exam as the first time results is really suck!!!haha..many got band3 and were not satisfied with la..the MPM can earn so much also because they give us all the same band..really wth..but seriously many were willing to spend that RM60 to buy another chance for sitting for it long as there's a least could try for it..i don't really hope to get band3 again..if not..i'm gonna "tui" myself until i die!!!

The next sitting will be april,may separately.Wish me all the best!!!but for now..hv to work very hard to achieve higher band..>.<

L.O.U.S.Y my results this early fren help me checked proves..i'm suck..i really suck in english that i just able to get band3 for my muet test..what to do is i surely will retake for the next time..goshh..really..kinda down when i know it...T.T

Damn,Nervous.'s so late right now and I'm suppose on bed for tomorrow's school.Due to know the results of MUET..therefore i decided to come to online..but then key in my identity card no. they say tak ada my record..hell you mpm!!! I also sent an sms to try to get my results and it ended up reply me that the service will be activated at 12.01am onwards..hahaha..the funny part is when i send the sms it's alry over the time!!!hell you la "my country"!!!

so what i can do now is just..go to bed!!!arghh!!!waste my time and energy..i should have predict this to happen d de..
Good Night!!!

Love it!!!

do spend a few minutes to watch it..really amazing!!! ^^

Get lost!

Yeah..early in the morning alry make me pissed off!!what kind of ppl is this?my bro's boss called to the house because he wasn't there yet during his working time..and what the fucking boss i try to tell him my bro will be late because he was fixing pipe in our toilet and then he will go later..wtheck!!!he doesn't know even a single word of english..this really pisses me off k?!!told you he'll be late..even when he phone come he doesn't speak in a polite way..he just shout through the phone : Ryan! (my bro)...hell wad..don't know how to ask is he at home or not ar?wah lau..really..early morning..this is the very first time and last time i will speak politely to this man!!hell no!!

you babi babi babi babi!!!!soooo stupid!!!! #%@*!@#!%*!

2009 U6A1~

This is during wednesday when we celebrated our Account and also form teacher's bday..but it was earlier a day because the next day we don't have her lesson therefore suppose celebrate her bday on 8th Jan but ended up celebrated it on 7th was a surprise afterall for her..haha..smtg stupid we just did once the bell rang our class monitor just stand up and we all greet thank you teacher and teacher was frustrated that time cos she still want to continue her lesson and then after that followed up by singing 'happy birthday' for her..lolz..not bad lea..first time i can feel our class is really doing smtg together..

her surprised expression.


是这样的..刚刚放学回来,走到了房间一开门看到房间怎么那么乱..看到墙上的冷气机不在才想到哦..昨天妈妈有说今天家里会有人来修理冷气机..若无其事的我也没管那么多照常一样冲凉吃饭后坐在楼下看电视...(由于他们把它拆了拿回公司洗干净才在拿回来)...ok lo..没事。


你的EQ怎么那么低?!!! my story didn't continue or should i say couldn't continue because today is hari gotong-royong wad...wah..really long time didn't put all my effort into cleaning my own did it!maybe i'm feeling this is the last year i gonna study in jit sin..that's y..many thoughts will change and will did something our class is like..*shiny*..haha..good study environment..
bout my story..i don't it will be continued..or else..i dunno when will it guys..just STAY TUNED!!!hahaha!!!

Sucky Day!!!

well..新学年should be 新气象..but for me..衰衰象 it's my first day of school and early in the morning when i reached my class awhile someone informed that there is assembly today..haha..why i didnt prepare this to happen?cos i really don't think there is anything serious will happen just maybe some speeches from the principal and so on...

And then,i am so sway sway that i get caught by discipline teacher..ooyea..first day..i'm the first person to kena..wth..some more is by that teacher i dislike the most!the first thing i thought at the moment was like..wah!!!老师捉的第一个学生,而且是中六...was thinking like..开张大吉啊!!!haha..then i even ask the teacher why she caught me..didn't realise why i dare to ask her why..lolz..and then she answered me: 集会后直接去纪律室等我!..only that time my heart was like really..scolding her all the !@$%^ i just waited there until the assembly end and wanna find out what wrong i've done.

So,the stories continue when i waited outside the discipline room and the teacher then ask me to go find pn.yeoh and only i know that she caught me because of my glass frame!!silly right?perhaps for ppl who never step into my wat..wait la!and the story almost end till i met pn.yeoh and she did talk to me nicely better than someone else..ok.i accept now is like..i'm gonna bring my old specs which it doesn't look too much against the rule but old specs lea..power also increased so many years d to wear..this is INSANE!!!!

Fine...tomorrow the story might be continued or will just end like this..lolz..


Finally..i make the decision to go and have a hair cut..what to's going to reopen school d..hahaha..damn stupid lea..nvm's time to concentrate on studies wad..let it be..i don't care to let you all see me..


hmm..personally i like this..taken on 19th Nov,2008.


yuck!watever it is..mushroom,helmet..etc etc..

Belated 2009~

Oh yea..finally got back my pc since last week it broken down due to some virus infection i think..aih..for around one week i didn't online and also update my blog..dunno where to start and how to start..

Well..this holidays..many of my friends were all in i was very glad that i spend my holidays meaningful even though sometimes we did hang out and did meaningless things!but i did appreciate everything..since all of them were studying in different places nowadays and we usually less keep in touch with each others..but when we're back here together again..still..we can feel the strong bond between us.

My new year eve's not really excited but it was kinda nice.Went to seaside and then to Gurney for a movie with monkee!it's been long i've didn't met him till he had the time to come back this time.we watched YES MAN!damn!it was funny and hilarious!worth watching it..and we had DOME as our lunch+dinner since i never tried before..and thank him for the treat!!!

Well..i guess that's all for this post..and i am really wish miracle could happen in the year 2009.
I wish all my friends that our friendship last forever!it's joke plsss...
I wish i can do my best in my academic as i am going to sit for stpm in 2009.
I wish i could just be 18 every year.haha!now i'm no longer..
I wish that all my fren's wishes will come true too in this year!