Simply Toothache

It's accompany me during this whole holidays..
very pain lea...
toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache toothache

6 wings:

Chee Chyuan said...

cracked tooth ??
cham liao you, haha

noooo said...


Angel said...

no lea..don talk nonsense!i don't have cracked tooth!my teeth all are very healthy k?!!is tooth of wisdom!tooth of wisdom!

SongKeat said...

the downside of having too much wisdom!

Angel said...

so u now saying im too smart la?wei..this is my first wisdom tooth ever in my 19years life lea..don like tat..

SongKeat said...

It means that this year STPM you will have enough wisdom to do it le.

Finally the wisdom has come!